Classification of Davis 1887

G. †Centrophoroides Davis 1887
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G. †Cyclobatis Egerton 1844
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Cyclobatis major Davis 1887
Cyclobatis oligodactylus Egerton 1844
G. Raja Linnaeus 1758
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Raja minor Davis 1887
G. †Coccodus Pictet 1850
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Coccodus armatus Pictet 1850
G. †Palaeobalistum Blainville 1818
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Palaeobalistum goedelli Heckel 1854
G. †Petalopteryx Pictet 1850
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Petalopteryx dorsalis Davis 1887
Petalopteryx syriacus Pictet 1850
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Chirocentrites libanicus Pictet and Humbert 1866
G. †Spathiurus Davis 1887
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Spathiurus dorsalis Davis 1887
G. †Opistopteryx Pictet and Humbert 1866
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Opistopteryx curtus Davis 1887
Opistopteryx gracilis Pictet 1850
G. †Osmeroides Agassiz 1835
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Osmeroides brevis Davis 1887
Osmeroides dubius Davis 1887
Osmeroides gracilis Davis 1887
Osmeroides latus Davis 1887
Osmeroides maximus Davis 1887
Osmeroides megapterus Pictet 1850
Osmeroides minor Davis 1887
G. Anguilla Schrank 1798
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Anguilla hakelensis Davis 1887
Anguilla sahelalmae Davis 1887
G. †Istieus Agassiz 1839
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Istieus lebanonensis Davis 1887
G. Clupea Linnaeus 1758
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Clupea attenuata Davis 1887
Clupea beurardi Blainville 1818
Clupea bottae Pictet and Humbert 1866
Clupea brevissima de Blainville 1818
Clupea curta Davis 1887
Clupea elongata Davis 1887
Clupea gaudryi Pictet and Humbert 1866
Clupea gigantea Heckel 1849
Clupea lata Agassiz 1839
Clupea laticauda Pictet 1850
Clupea lewisii Davis 1887
Clupea minima Agassiz 1839
Clupea pulchra Davis 1887
Clupea sardinoides Pictet 1850
G. Engraulis Cuvier 1817
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Engraulis tenuis Davis 1887
G. †Scombroclupea Kner 1863
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G. †Pseudoberyx Pictet and Humbert 1866
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Pseudoberyx bottae Pictet and Humbert 1866
Pseudoberyx grandis Davis 1887
Pseudoberyx longispina Davis 1887
Pseudoberyx syriacus Pictet and Humbert 1866
G. †Cheirothrix Pictet and Humbert 1866
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Cheirothrix lewisii Davis 1887
Cheirothrix libanicus Pictet and Humbert 1866
G. †Dercetis Agassiz 1834
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Dercetis linguifer Pictet 1850
G. †Enchodus Agassiz 1835
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Subg. †Enchodus (Isodus) Heckel 1849
Enchodus recurvus Davis 1887
G. †Eurypholis Pictet 1850
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Eurypholis boissieri Pictet 1850
Eurypholis longidens Pictet 1850
Eurypholis major Davis 1887
G. †Exocoetoides Davis 1887
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Exocoetoides minor Davis 1887
G. †Pantopholis Davis 1887
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Pantopholis dorsalis Davis 1887
G. †Phylactocephalus Davis 1887
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G. †Sardinius von der Marck 1858
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Sardinius crassapinna Davis 1887
G. †Omosoma Costa 1857
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Omosoma sahelalmae Costa 1857
G. †Pycnosterinx Heckel 1849
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Pycnosterinx daviesii Davis 1887
Pycnosterinx discoides Heckel 1849
Pycnosterinx dorsalis Pictet 1850
Pycnosterinx dubius Davis 1887
Pycnosterinx elongatus Pictet and Humbert 1866
Pycnosterinx gracilis Davis 1887
Pycnosterinx heckelii Pictet 1850
Pycnosterinx latus Davis 1887
Pycnosterinx lewisii Davis 1887
Pycnosterinx niger Costa 1857
Pycnosterinx russeggerii Heckel 1849
G. Beryx Cuvier 1829
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Beryx ovalis Davis 1887
Beryx vexillifer Pictet 1850
G. †Hoplopteryx Agassiz 1839
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Hoplopteryx oblongus Davis 1887
Hoplopteryx spinosus Davis 1887
Hoplopteryx syriacus Pictet and Humbert 1866
G. Pagellus Cuvier and Valenciennes 1830
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Pagellus leptosteus Agassiz 1839
Pagellus libanicus Pictet 1850
G. Platax Cuvier 1817
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Platax brevis Davis 1887
Platax minor Pictet 1850
G. Sphyraena Artedi 1793 [barracuda]
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Sphyraena amici Agassiz 1843
G. Notidanus Cuvier 1817
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Notidanus gracilis Davis 1887
G. †Microdon Agassiz 1833
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Microdon pulchellus Davis 1887
G. †Thyellina Agassiz 1838
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Thyellina curtirostris Davis 1887
Thyellina elongata Davis 1887
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Rhinobatus expansus Davis 1887
Rhinobatus grandis Davis 1887
Rhinobatus intermedius Davis 1887
Rhinobatus latus Davis 1887
Rhinobatus maronita Pictet and Humbert 1866
G. Scyllium Cuvier 1817
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Scyllium sahelalmae Pictet and Humbert 1866
G. †Rhinellus Agassiz 1835
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Rhinellus curtirostris Davis 1887
Rhinellus damoni Davis 1887
Rhinellus ferox Davis 1887
Rhinellus furcatus Agassiz 1843
Rhinellus laniatus Davis 1887
Rhinellus longirostris Davis 1887
Rhinellus robustus Davis 1887
G. †Spinax Agassiz 1837
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Spinax primaevus Pictet 1850
G. †Xenopholis Davis 1887
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Xenopholis carinatus Davis 1887
G. †Rhinognathus Davis 1887
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Rhinognathus lewisii Davis 1887
G. †Spaniodon Pictet 1850
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Spaniodon blondelii Pictet 1850
Spaniodon brevis Pictet and Humbert 1866
Spaniodon electus Davis 1887
Spaniodon elongatus Pictet 1850
Spaniodon hakelensis Davis 1887
G. †Leptotrachelus von der Marck 1863
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Leptotrachelus hakelensis Pictet and Humbert 1866
Leptotrachelus triqueter Pictet 1850
G. Homonotus Agassiz 1850
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Homonotus pulcher Davis 1887
G. †Leptosomus von der Marck 1863
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Leptosomus crassicostatus Pictet and Humbert 1866
Leptosomus macrourus Pictet and Humbert 1866
G. †Imogaster Costa 1857
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Imogaster auratus Costa 1857
G. †Amphilaphurus Davis 1887
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Amphilaphurus major Davis 1887
G. Vomer Cuvier 1816
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Vomer parvulus Agassiz 1840
G. †Solenognathus Pictet and Humbert 1866
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Solenognathus lineolatus Pictet and Humbert 1866
G. †Lewisia Davis 1887
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Lewisia ovalis Davis 1887
G. †Eurygnathus Davis 1887
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Eurygnathus ferox Davis 1887
G. †Aspidopleurus Pictet and Humbert 1866
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Aspidopleurus cataphractus Pictet and Humbert 1866