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Paenungulatomorpha was named by Gheerbrant et al. (2016) [Erected as a new "Magnorder"].

It was assigned to Afrotheria by Gheerbrant et al. (2016).

Sister taxa
Paenungulata (syn. Uranotheria)

Synonymy list
YearName and author
2016Paenungulatomorpha Gheerbrant et al.

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
subclassDipnotetrapodomorpha(Nelson 2006)
subclassAmphibiosauriaKuhn 1967
Theriamorpha(Rowe 1993)
AfrotheriaStanhope et al. 1998

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Unr. †Paenungulatomorpha Gheerbrant et al. 2016
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G. †Abdounodus Gheerbrant et al. 2001
Abdounodus hamdii Gheerbrant et al. 2001
G. †Hadrogeneios Gheerbrant 2023
Hadrogeneios phosphaticus Gheerbrant 2023
G. †Ocepeia Gheerbrant et al. 2001
Ocepeia daouiensis Gheerbrant et al. 2001
Ocepeia grandis Gheerbrant et al. 2014
Unr. Paenungulata Simpson 1945
Or. Hyracoidea Huxley 1869 [hyrax]
G. †Dimaitherium Barrow et al. 2010
Dimaitherium patnaiki Barrow et al. 2010
G. †Namahyrax Pickford et al. 2008
Namahyrax corvus Pickford et al. 2008
Fm. †Pliohyracidae Matsumoto 1926
Subfm. †Geniohyinae Matsumoto 1926
G. †Brachyhyrax Pickford 2004
G. †Geniohyus Andrews 1904
G. †Hengduanshanhyrax Cheng 2003
G. †Kvabebihyrax Gabunia and Vekua 1966
G. †Megalohyrax Andrews 1903
Megalohyrax eocaenus Andrews 1903
Megalohyrax gevini Sudre 1979
Megalohyrax major Andrews 1904
Megalohyrax minor Andrews 1904
Invalid names: Mixohyrax Schlosser 1910 [synonym]
G. †Meroehyrax Whitworth 1954
Meroehyrax bateae Whitworth 1954
Meroehyrax kyongoi Rasmussen and Gutierrez 2009
G. †Pachyhyrax Schlosser 1910
Pachyhyrax crassidentatus Schlosser 1910
G. †Parapliohyrax Lavocat 1961
Parapliohyrax mirabilis Lavocat 1961
Parapliohyrax ngororaensis Pickford and Fisher 1987
Subfm. †Pliohyracinae Osborn 1899
G. †Soqdohyrax Dubrovo 1978
G. †Pliohyrax Osborn 1899
G. †Postschizotherium von Koenigswald 1932
Postschizotherium chardini Koenigswald 1932
Postschizotherium intermedium Koenigswald 1966
Postschizotherium licenti Koenigswald 1966
Subfm. Saghatheriinae Andrews 1906
G. †Bunohyrax Schlosser 1910
G. †Microhyrax Sudre 1979
G. †Saghatherium Andrews and Beadnell 1902
G. †Seggeurius Crochet 1986
G. †Thyrohyrax Meyer 1973
G. †Selenohyrax Rasmussen and Simons 1988
Selenohyrax chatrathi Rasmussen and Simons 1988
G. †Sogdohyrax Dubrovo 1978
Fm. Procaviidae Thomas 1892 [hyrax]
G. Dendrohyrax Gray 1868 [tree hyrax]
Dendrohyrax arboreus Smith 1827 [southern tree hyrax]
Dendrohyrax samueli Pickford 2005
G. †Gigantohyrax Kitching 1965
Gigantohyrax maguirei Kitching 1965
G. Heterohyrax Gray 1868 [rock hyrax]
Heterohyrax auricampensis Rasmussen et al. 1996
Heterohyrax brucei Gray 1868 [rock hyrax]
Invalid names: Dendrohyrax (Heterohyrax) blainvillii Gray 1868 [synonym], Procavia pumila Thomas 1901 [synonym]
G. Procavia Storr 1780 [Cape hyrax]
Procavia antiqua Broom 1934
Procavia capensis Pallas 1766 [Cape hyrax]
Procavia obermeyerae Broom 1937
Procavia pliocenica Pickford 2005
Procavia robertsi Broom and Schepers 1946
Invalid names: Euhyrax Gray 1868 [synonym], Hyrax Herman 1783 [synonym]
G. †Prohyrax Stromer 1926
Prohyrax hendeyi Pickford 1994
Prohyrax tertiarius Stromer 1922
Invalid names: Hyracidae Gray 1821 [synonym]
G. †Rukwalorax Stevens et al. 2009
Rukwalorax jinokitana Stevens et al. 2009
Fm. †Titanohyracidae Matsumoto 1926
G. †Afrohyrax Pickford 2004
Afrohyrax championi Arambourg 1933
G. †Antilohyrax Rasmussen and Simons 2000
Antilohyrax pectidens Rasmussen and Simons 2000
G. †Rupestrohyrax Pickford 2015
Rupestrohyrax palustris Pickford 2015
G. †Titanohyrax Matsumoto 1922
Titanohyrax andrewsi Matsumoto 1922
Titanohyrax angustidens Rasmussen and Simons 1988
Titanohyrax mongereaui Sudre 1979
Titanohyrax schlosseri Matsumoto 1921
Titanohyrax tantulus Court and Hartenberger 1992
Titanohyrax ultimus Matsumoto 1922
Invalid names: Titanohyrax palaeotherioides Schlosser 1911 [nomen nudum]
Invalid names: Procaviamorpha Whitworth 1954 [empty], Pseudhippomorpha Whitworth 1954 [empty]
Unr. †Sudamericungulata Avilla and Mothé 2021
Or. †Astrapotheria Lydekker 1894
G. †Antarctodon Bond et al. 2011
Antarctodon sobrali Bond et al. 2011
Fm. †Astrapotheriidae Ameghino 1887
G. †Astrapodon Ameghino 1891
G. †Astraponotus Ameghino 1901
Invalid names: Megalophodon Roth 1903 [synonym], Notamynus Roth 1903 [synonym]
G. †Astrapothericulus Ameghino 1902
G. †Astrapotherium Burmeister 1879
Invalid names: Listriotherium Mercerat 1891 [synonym], Mesembriotherium Moreno 1882 [synonym], Xylotherium Mercerat 1891 [synonym]
G. †Comahuetherium Kramarz and Bond 2011
G. †Ganastrapotherium Johnson 1984
G. †Liarthrus
G. †Maddenia Kramarz and Bond 2009
G. †Monoeidodon Roth 1898
G. †Parastrapotherium Ameghino 1895
Invalid names: Helicolophodon Roth 1903 [synonym], Loxocoelus [synonym], Traspoatherium [synonym]
G. †Scaglia Simpson 1957
G. †Tonorhinus Ameghino 1904
Subfm. †Uruguaytheriinae Kraglievich 1928
Invalid names: Astrapotheriinae Soria and Alvarenga 1989 [empty]
Fm. †Eoastrapostylopidae Soria and Powell 1981
G. †Eoastrapostylops Soria and Powell 1981
Fm. †Trigonostylopidae Ameghino 1901
G. †Albertogaudrya Ameghino 1901
Invalid names: Scabellia Ameghino 1901 [synonym]
G. †Tetragonostylops Paula Couto 1963
G. †Trigonostylops Ameghino 1897
Invalid names: Chiodon Berg 1899 [synonym], Staurodon Roth 1899 [synonym]
Invalid names: Hedralophus Ameghino 1901 [nomen dubium], Hedralophus bicostatus Ameghino 1901 [nomen dubium], Seudenius Simpson 1935 [nomen dubium], Seudenius cteronc Simpson 1935 [nomen dubium], Shecenia Simpson 1935 [nomen dubium], Shecenia ctirneru Simpson 1935 [nomen dubium], Staurodon supernus Roth 1899 [nomen dubium], Trigonostylops duplex Ameghino 1901 [nomen dubium]
Invalid names: Astrapotheroidea Ameghino 1894 [synonym], Blastoconus Roth 1903 [nomen dubium], Blastoconus robertsoni Roth 1904 [nomen dubium], Grypolophodon Roth 1903 [nomen vanum], Grypolophodon morenoi Roth 1904 [nomen vanum], Grypolophodon tuberculosis Roth 1904 [nomen vanum], Notorhinus Roth 1903 [nomen vanum], Notorhinus haroldi Roth 1904 [nomen vanum]
Or. †Notoungulata Roth 1903 [notoungulate]
G. †Acoelodus Ameghino 1897
Acoelodus debilitatus Ameghino 1901
Acoelodus oppositus Ameghino 1897
Acoelodus proclivus Ameghino 1902
Acoelodus terminalis Ameghino 1902
G. †Allalmeia Rusconi 1946
Allalmeia atalaensis Rusconi 1946
G. †Archaeogaia Zimicz et al. 2020
Archaeogaia macachaae Zimicz et al. 2020
Fm. †Archaeopithecidae Ameghino 1897
G. †Acropithecus Ameghino 1904
G. †Archaeopithecus Ameghino 1897
G. †Teratopithecus López et al. 2020
G. †Archaeoplus Ameghino 1898
Archaeoplus incipiens Ameghino 1898
Subor. †Entelonychia
Fm. †Homalodontotheridae Ameghino 1889
G. †Eudiastatus Ameghino 1891
G. †Eurystephanodon Roth 1903
Subor. †Hegetotheria Simpson 1945
G. †Eohegetotherium Ameghino 1901
G. †Pseudopachyrucos Ameghino 1901
Fm. †Henricosborniidae Ameghino 1901
G. †Acamana Simpson et al. 1962
G. †Henricosbornia Ameghino 1901
Invalid names: Hemistylops Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Microstylops Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Monolophodon Roth 1903 [synonym], Pantostylops Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Polystylops Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Prohyracotherium Ameghino 1902 [synonym], Selenoconus Ameghino 1901 [synonym]
G. †Nanolophodon Castro et al. 2021
G. †Orome Bauzá et al. 2019
G. †Othnielmarshia Ameghino 1901
Invalid names: Postpithecus Ameghino 1901 [synonym]
G. †Peripantostylops Ameghino 1904
G. †Simpsonotus Pascual et al. 1978
Invalid names: Pantostylopidae Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Selenoconidae Ameghino 1902 [synonym]
G. †Heterolophodon Roth 1904
Subor. †Notioprogonia Simpson 1934
Fm. †Perutheriidae Grambast et al. 1967
G. †Satshatemnus Soria 1989
Unr. †Notopithecidae Ameghino 1897
G. †Antepithecus Ameghino 1901
Invalid names: Infrapithecus Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Patriarchippus Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Pseudadiantus Ameghino 1901 [synonym]
G. †Eupithecops Ameghino 1897
G. †Guilielmoscottia Ameghino 1901
G. †Notopithecus Ameghino 1897
Invalid names: Adpithecus Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Epipithecus Ameghino 1904 [synonym], Gonopithecus Ameghino 1904 [synonym]
G. †Transpithecus Ameghino 1901
Fm. †Notostylopidae Ameghino 1897
G. †Boreastylops Vucetich 1980
G. †Chilestylops Bradham et al. 2015
G. †Edvardotrouessartia Ameghino 1901
G. †Homalostylops Ameghino 1901
Invalid names: Acrostylops Ameghino 1901 [synonym]
G. †Notostylops Ameghino 1897
Invalid names: Anastylops Ameghino 1897 [synonym], Catastylops Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Entelostylops Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Eostylops Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Isostylops Ameghino 1902 [synonym], Pliostylops Ameghino 1901 [synonym]
G. †Orthogeniops Ameghino 1902
Invalid names: Orthogenium Roth 1902 [replaced]
G. †Otrhonia Roth 1902
Invalid names: Homalostylops interlissus Ameghino 1901 [nomen vanum]
Fm. †Oldfieldthomasiidae Simpson 1945
G. †Brachystephanus Simpson et al. 1962
G. †Camargomendesia Paulo Couto 1978
G. †Colbertia Paula Couto 1952
G. †Dolichostylodon García López and Powell 2009
G. †Itaboraitherium Paula Couto 1970
G. †Kibenikhoria Simpson 1935
G. †Maxschlosseria Ameghino 1901
Invalid names: Paracoelodus Ameghino 1904 [synonym]
G. †Oldfieldthomasia Ameghino 1901
G. †Paginula Ameghino 1901
G. †Suniodon López 1995
G. †Tsamnichoria Simpson 1936
G. †Ultrapithecus Ameghino 1901
G. †Xenostephanus Simpson et al. 1962
Invalid names: Acoelodidae Ameghino 1901 [synonym]
Subor. †Toxodontia Ameghino 1887
Unr. †Eutoxodontia Martínez et al. 2020
Fm. †Haplodontheriidae Ameghino 1907
Fm. †Homalodotheriidae Gregory 1910
Fm. †Isotemnidae Ameghino 1897
G. †Nesotherium Mercerat 1891
G. †Noaditherium Ameghino 1907
G. †Periphragnis Roth 1899
Invalid names: Coelodontotherium Roth 1903 [synonym], Lemudeus Roth 1903 [synonym], Proasmodeus Ameghino 1902 [synonym], Tehuelia Roth 1902 [synonym]
Fm. †Xotodontidae Ameghino 1889
Invalid names: Atryptheridae Ameghino 1889 [empty], Lithops praevius Ameghino 1887 [nomen dubium], Notohippidae Ameghino 1894 [invalid subgroup], Pachyrucidae Lydekker 1894 [empty], Protoxodontidae Ameghino 1889 [empty], Rhadinotherium limitatum Mercerat 1891 [nomen dubium], Tembotheridae Moreno 1882 [empty]
Subor. †Typotheria Zittel 1892
Fm. †Campanorcidae Bond et al. 1984
G. †Griphotherion García López and Powell 2011
Unr. †Hegetotheriidae Ameghino 1894
Fm. †Hemihegetotheriidae Rusconi 1933
Fm. †Interatheriidae Ameghino 1887
Fm. †Mesotheriidae Alston 1876
Superfm. †Typotherioidea Reguero and Castro 2004
Invalid names: Eutrachytheriidae Ameghino 1897 [empty]
Subor. †Typotheroidea
Invalid names: Hegetotheroidea [empty]
Invalid names: Albertogaudryidae Ameghino 1901 [empty], Archaeotypotherium transitum Roth 1904 [nomen vanum], Brandmayria Cabrera 1935 [nomen dubium], Carolodarwinia Ameghino 1901 [nomen dubium], Carolodarwinia pyramidentata Ameghino 1901 [nomen dubium], Claenodon patagonicus Ameghino 1904 [nomen dubium], Degonia sympathica Roth 1902 [nomen dubium], Edvardocopeia Ameghino 1901 [nomen dubium], Edvardocopeia sinuosa Ameghino 1901 [nomen dubium], Epitypotherium cancellatum Ameghino 1904 [nomen dubium], Homalodotheria [empty], Isotypotherium Ameghino 1904 [nomen dubium], Lophiodonticulus Ameghino 1902 [nomen dubium], Lophiodonticulus patagonicus Ameghino 1902 [nomen dubium], Lophiodonticulus retroversus Ameghino 1902 [nomen dubium], Notopithecus summus Ameghino 1897 [nomen dubium], Orthogenium ameghinoi Roth 1902 [nomen vanum], Ortholophodon Roth 1902 [nomen dubium], Pleurystylops Ameghino 1901 [nomen dubium], Pleurystylops glebosus Ameghino 1901 [nomen dubium], Procolpodon Ameghino 1904 [nomen dubium], Procolpodon foratus Ameghino 1904 [nomen dubium], Pyramidon Roth 1902 [nomen dubium], Pyramidon klaatschi Roth 1902 [nomen dubium], Tonostylops Ameghino 1902 [nomen dubium], Tonostylops spissus Ameghino 1902 [nomen dubium], Trimerostephanos ultimus Ameghino 1901 [nomen vanum], Ultrapithecus robustus Roth 1902 [nomen dubium]
Subor. †Pyrotheria Ameghino 1895
G. †Carolozittelia Ameghino 1901
Carolozittelia tapiroides Ameghino 1901
Invalid names: Carolozittelia eluta Ameghino 1901 [nomen dubium]
G. †Griphodon Anthony 1924
Griphodon peruvianus Anthony 1924
Fm. †Pyrotheridae Ameghino 1894
G. †Archaeolophus Ameghino 1897
G. †Planodus Ameghino 1887
G. †Pyrotherium Ameghino 1888
Fm. †Pyrotheriidae Ameghino 1889
G. †Baguatherium Salas et al. 2006
G. †Colombitherium Hoffstetter 1970
G. †Propyrotherium Ameghino 1901
Invalid names: Carolozittelidae Ameghino 1901 [synonym], Colombitheriidae Hoffstetter 1970 [synonym], Promoeritherium Ameghino 1906 [nomen dubium], Promoeritherium australe Ameghino 1906 [nomen dubium]
Or. †Xenungulata Paula Couto 1952
Fm. †Carodniidae Paula Couto 1952
G. †Carodnia Simpson 1935
Invalid names: Ctalecarodnia Simpson 1935 [synonym]
G. †Rodcania Gelfo et al. 2020
G. †Etayoa Villarroel 1987
Etayoa bacatensis Villarroel 1987
G. †Notoetayoa Gelfo et al. 2008
Notoetayoa gargantuai Gelfo et al. 2008
Invalid names: Etayoidae Villarroel 1987 [empty]
Invalid names: Uranotheria [synonym]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: phosphaticsubp
Maximum body mass: 1374.7 kgs
Minimum body mass: 1.3 kgs
Environment: terrestrialsubc
Locomotion: actively mobilec
Life habit: scansorialsubc
Diet: insectivoresubc
Reproduction: viviparoussubc
Created: 2005-09-06 20:43:42
Modified: 2005-09-06 22:44:32
Source: s = species, subc = subclass, c = class, subp = subphylum
References: Ji et al. 2002, Lillegraven 1979, Madden 1997, Johnson and Madden 1997, Vizcaíno et al. 2010, Hendy et al. 2009, Solórzano et al. 2023, Carroll 1988

Age range

Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Middle Paleocene to the top of the Holocene or 61.70000 to 0.00000 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 61.6 Ma

Collections (962 total)

Oldest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Danian66.0 - 61.6Bolivia (Mizque) Notoungulata indet. (13501)
Danian66.0 - 61.6Argentina (Chubut) Notoetayoa gargantuai, Carodnia feruglioi (79348)
Middle Paleocene - Late/Upper Paleocene61.7 - 55.8Colombia (Bogotá) Etayoa bacatensis (140910)
Selandian61.6 - 59.2Morocco Abdounodus hamdii, Ocepeia daouiensis (68176) Hadrogeneios phosphaticus, Ocepeia daouiensis (133217) Ocepeia grandis (154636)
Selandian - Thanetian61.6 - 56.0Argentina (Salta) Archaeogaia macachaae (212256)
Selandian - Thanetian61.6 - 56.0Argentina (Jujuy) Simpsonotus major (175869 175870) Simpsonotus praecursor (175868)
Thanetian59.2 - 56.0Bolivia Camargomendesia indet. (176065)
Thanetian - Ypresian59.2 - 47.8Peru (Puno) Notoungulata sp. 1, Notoungulata sp. 2, Notoungulata sp. 3 (132938) Perutherium altiplanense (28230)
Late/Upper Paleocene58.7 - 55.8Mongolia (Omnogov) Notoungulata indet. (37008)
Late/Upper Paleocene58.7 - 55.8Argentina (Tucumán) Satshatemnus bonapartei, Eoastrapostylops riolorense, Xenungulata indet. (41607)
Riochican57.0 - 55.8Argentina (Chubut) Isotemnidae indet., Notopithecidae indet. (175728) Isotemnus ctalego, Kibenikhoria get, Isotemnidae indet., Transpithecus sp., Notopithecidae indet., Notostylopidae indet., Peripantostylops orehor, Henricosbornia waitehor, Shecenia ctirneru, Seudenius cteronc (14205) Isotemnus sp., Pleurostylodon sp., Archaeopithecus rogeri, Brandmayria simpsoni, Othnielmarshia sp., Polystylops sp., Eohyrax sp., Trigonostylops sp., Isotemnus primitivus, Notopithecus sp., Henricosbornia sp., Henricosbornia lophodonta, Postpithecus sp. (13781) Notostylopidae indet. (176061)
Riochican - Mustersan57.0 - 42.0Argentina Pleurostylodon sp., Notostylops sp. (176460)
Casamayoran56.0 - 48.0Chile Antepithecus brachystephanus (186784) Oldfieldthomasiidae indet., Ignigena minisculus (38880)
Casamayoran56.0 - 48.0Argentina (Chubut) Archaeopithecus rogeri, Notopithecus sp., Entelostylops appressus (175738) Archaeopithecus rogeri, Notostylops pigafettai (176166) Archaeopithecus rogeri, Oldfieldthomasia sp., Notopithecus sp. (175739) Claenodon patagonicus, Notostylops pendens (176284) Notopithecus sp. (141758) Notopithecus summus, Isotemnus cuspidatus, Prostylops typus, Isotemnus primitivus, Eochalicotherium cretaceum, Pleurostylodon bifidus, Pleurostylodon notabilis, Pleurostylodon modicus, Parastylops coelodus, Pleurostylodon limpidus, Pleurostylodon plexus, Pleurostylodon sinuosus, Pleurostylodon complanatus, Pleurostylodon neglectus, Pleurostylodon irregularis, Pleurostylodon similis, Thomashuxleya rostrata, Thomashuxleya robusta, Thomashuxleya externa, Thomashuxleya artuata, Thomashuxleya principialis, Acoelohyrax coronatus, Lophiodonticulus retroversus, Acropithecus tersus, Pleurostylodon minimus, Infrapithecus expansus, Acoelodus microdon, Transpithecus obtentus, Patriarchippus annectens, Pseudadiantus secans, Adpithecus reduncus, Pseudadiantus imperfectus, Adpithecus secans, Antepithecus gradatus, Notostylops irregularis, Notostylops complexus, Pliostylops magnificus, Notostylops brachycephalus, Notostylops escaridus, Anastylops vallatus, Dimerostephanos chicoensis, Entelostylops cestillus, Edvardotrouessartia sola, Lophiodonticulus patagonicus, Acoelodus terminalis, Acoelodus oppositus, Acoelodus debilitatus, Henricosbornia lophodonta, Selenoconus spiculatus, Microstylops monoconus, Hemistylops paucicuspidatus, Prohyracotherium matutinum, Hemistylops trigonostyloides, Prohyracotherium patagonicum, Pantostylops completus, Microstylops clarus, Epitypotherium cancellatum, Albertogaudrya unica, Hedralophus bicostatus (176285) Pleurostylodon obscurus, Trigonostylops subtrigonus (176283) Pleurostylodon similis, Thomashuxleya externa, Archaeopithecus rogeri (39295) Pleurostylodon sp., Notopithecus adapinus, Notostylops sp., Trigonostylops sp. (176304) Pleurostylodon sp., Pleurostylodon similis, Notostylops sp., Trigonostylops sp. (49899) Pleurostylodon sp., Thomashuxleya sp. (48176) Pleurostylodon sp., Thomashuxleya sp., Archaeopithecus rogeri, Oldfieldthomasia sp., Antepithecus brachystephanus, Notostylops sp. (175743) Transpithecus obtentus, Notopithecus adapinus, Notostylops murinus, Trigonostylops wortmani (176491)
Casamayoran56.0 - 48.0Argentina (Santa Cruz) Notopithecus adapinus, Notostylops murinus, Trigonostylops sp. (50066)
Ypresian56.0 - 47.8Argentina (Salta) Albertogaudrya carahuasensis (44957) Campanorco inauguralis (176663) Pampahippus secundus, Typotheria sp. (176659)
Ypresian56.0 - 47.8Algeria Hyracoidea indet., Seggeurius amourensis (71984)
Ypresian56.0 - 47.8Argentina (Chubut) Carodnia feruglioi, Ctalecarodnia cabrerai (13780) Isotemnus sp., Colbertia sp., Kibenikhoria sp., Itaboraitherium sp., Antepithecus sp., Orome deepi, Henricosbornia sp., Peripantostylops sp., Shecenia sp., Trigonostylops sp., Carmargomendesia sp. (133040) Teratopithecus elpidophoros, Orome deepi (203121)
Ypresian56.0 - 47.8Antarctica Trigonostylopidae indet. (32360) Ungulata indet. (100414)
Ypresian56.0 - 47.8Mali (Gao) Pliohyracidae indet. (175262)