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Lituolida - Lituolidae

Septotextularia was named by Cheng and Zheng (1978). It is extant. It is considered to be a form taxon. It was considered unknown by Loeblich and Tappan (1987).

It was assigned to Textulariidae by Loeblich and Tappan (1987).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1978Septotextularia Cheng and Zheng p. 167
1987Septotextularia Loeblich and Tappan p. 177

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kingdomChromistaCavalier-Smith 1981
phylumForaminifera(Eichwald 1830)
familyLituolidaede Blainville 1825
familyTextulariidaeEhrenberg 1838

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. Septotextularia Cheng and Zheng 1978
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A. R. Loeblich and H. Tappan 1987Test free, large, up to 2mm in length, stout, biserial throughout, the lower margin of each chamber deeply incised just anterior to the septa, and with about four backward directed projections on each chamber that overlap the sutures, chamber lumen subdivided by four to six vertical radial partitions that extend nearly to the center of the test; sutures slightly arched, septa thick, particularly in the vicinity of the aperture; wall agglutinated, canaliculate, thick, coarser grained near the exterior and somewhat fined grained toward the test interior; aperture a low arch at the base of the apertural face. Holocene: Pacific.
No measurements are available
Locomotion: stationaryo
Life habit: semi-infaunalo
Diet: omnivoreo
Created: 2007-11-28 00:47:02
Modified: 2009-05-20 05:31:44
Source: o = order
Reference: Kiessling 2004
No collection or age range data are available