J. Gaudant 1977

Full reference
J. Gaudant. 1977. Contributions à la paléontologie du Miocène moyen continental du Bassin du Tage, II; Observations sur les dents pharyngiennes de Poissons Cyprinides - Póvoa de Santarém. [Paleontology of the continental middle Miocene of the Tagus Basin, II; Observations on the pharyngeal teeth of cyprinid fish - Póvoa de Santarém]. Ciencias de Terra (UNL) (3)129-141 [J. Alroy/R. Whatley/R. Whatley]
ID number:  10244
Created:  2004-04-13 14:37:01
Modified:  2004-04-13 16:37:47
Publication type:  journal article
Taxonomy:  stated without evidence
Language:  French
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