There are 6 matches

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
12940M. Patzkowsky Anticosti Island, Rhuddanian, Jupiter Fm - Patzkowsky Llandovery - Silurian 1 - Canada Bolton (1981)
12941M. Patzkowsky Anticosti Island, Rhuddanian, Chicotte Fm - Patzkowsky Telychian - Silurian 1 - Canada Bolton (1981)
25253W. Kiessling Riviere Galiote C, Anticosti Isl., Canada (= Reef 1415) Telychian - Silurian 1 - Canada Brunton and Copper (1994)
45296W. Kiessling Lake Memphremagog, Upper Siltstone, Quebec, Canada (= Reef 1428) Ludlow/Pridoli - Silurian 2 - Canada Hughson and Stearn (1989)
71475W. Kiessling Lake Temiscouata area, Mont Wissick Formation 2 Wenlock/Ludlow - Silurian 2 - Canada Oliver (1962)
79165W. Kiessling East Point, Anticosti Island (= Reef 1414) Aeronian - Silurian 1 - Canada Schneider and Ausich (2002)

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