There are 44 matches - here are rows 31 to 44

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
6981A. Miller Fauna from the Peters Switch Bed of the Clegg Creek Member, New Albany Shale (Up Kinderhookian - Carboniferous 1 - Indiana - old id Lineback (1964)
6997A. Miller Fauna from the Underwood Bed of the Clegg Creek Member, New Albany Shale (Upper Kinderhookian - Carboniferous 1 - Indiana - old id Lineback (1964)
8068J. Alroy Crawfordsville, Lower Quarry, Bed B Chadian/Arundian - Carboniferous 2 - Indiana Lane et al. (1973)
8069J. Alroy Crawfordsville, Lower Quarry, Bed C Chadian/Arundian - Carboniferous 2 - Indiana - old id Lane et al. (1973)
8073J. Alroy Crawfordsville, Lower Quarry, Bed G Chadian/Arundian - Carboniferous 2 - Indiana Lane et al. (1973)
8074J. Alroy Crawfordsville, Lower Quarry, Bed H Chadian/Arundian - Carboniferous 2 - Indiana Lane et al. (1973)
8075J. Alroy Crawfordsville, Lower Quarry, Bed I Chadian/Arundian - Carboniferous 2 - Indiana Lane et al. (1973)
8079J. Alroy Crawfordsville, Lower Quarry, Bed K Chadian/Arundian - Carboniferous 2 - Indiana Lane et al. (1973)
8080J. Alroy Crawfordsville, Lower Quarry, Bed L Chadian/Arundian - Carboniferous 2 - Indiana Lane et al. (1973)
8139J. Alroy Crawfordsville, Upper Quarry, Bed 30 Chadian/Arundian - Carboniferous 2 - Indiana - old id Lane et al. (1973)
57050P. Wagner Rushville, Allorisma beds Osagean - Carboniferous 1-2 - Indiana - old id Hyde (1953)
180968P. Novack-Gottshall Crawfordsville, Bassett Quarry Osagean - Carboniferous 1-2 - Indiana - old id Lane (1963)
224222B. Seuss Delta slope community - Locust Point (NV1) (= Nashville Site (Stockdale 1931)) Mississippian - Carboniferous 1-3 - Indiana - old id Ausich et al. (1979)
224230B. Seuss Delta slope community - Carwood 39 Mississippian - Carboniferous 1-3 - Indiana - old id Ausich et al. (1979)

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