There are 4 matches

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
204336M. Uhen Island Creek (= Y16/f0367) Chattian - Cenozoic 4 - New Zealand Frost (1934)
219331M. Uhen Lake Waitaki (= GS 10837, I40/f0109) Duntroonian - Cenozoic 4 - New Zealand Schwarzhans (1980)
219569M. Uhen Head of Lake Waitaki (= I40/f0401) Duntroonian - Cenozoic 4 - New Zealand Schwarzhans (2019)
219570M. Uhen Head of Lake Waitaki (= I40/f0402) Duntroonian - Cenozoic 4 - New Zealand Schwarzhans (2019)

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