There are 3 matches

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
34695M. Carrano Kekeamu cliffs, Ulantatal Valley (coll. 1988-1989) Early Oligocene - Cenozoic 4 - China Wang and Wang (1991)
174978P. Mannion XJ200203 (115.5 m horizon, bed 28) (= 200203; 20 km northwest to Burqin City; north bank of the Irtysh River / coll. 2002) Early Oligocene - Cenozoic 4 - China Wu et al. (2004)
175386P. Mannion Ulanmannei (IVPP Loc. 77046) (= east of Saint-Jacques; Saint Jacques; Luobuzhao, Hanggin Qi / coll. IVPP 1977) Early Oligocene - Cenozoic 4 - China Wang and Qiu (2003)

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