There are 4 matches

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
24818M. Foote Dicoelosia-Orthostrophella Community, Ludlow, West Point Fm., Gaspe Ludlow - Silurian 2 - Canada Boucot (1999)
25157S. Holland Gaspé Peninsula, Chaleurs Bay Synclinorium, La Vieille Formation Niagaran/Sheinwoodian - Silurian 1-2-2 - Canada Boucot and Bourque (1981)
25162S. Holland Gaspé Peninsula, Ristigouche Outcrop Belt, La Vieille Formation Telychian/Sheinwoodian - Silurian 1-2 - Canada Boucot and Bourque (1981)
184853W. Kiessling Anticosti Island, East Point Mmb, Meniér Fm,Locality A863 Aeronian - Silurian 1 - Canada Gushulak (2016)

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