Solza: Ediacaran, Russian Federation

List of taxa
Where & when
Taphonomy & methods
Metadata & references
Taxonomic list
Paliella sp. Fedonkin 1980
Palaeopascichnus sp. Palij 1976
Dickinsonia sp. Sprigg 1947
Andiva sp. Fedonkin 2002
Anfesta sp. Fedonkin 1984
Albumares sp. Fedonkin 1976
Tribrachidium sp. Glaessner 1959
Armillifera parva Fedonkin 1980
Fedonkin et al. 2007
Ediacaria sp. Sprigg 1947
Eoporpita sp. Wade 1972
synonym of Aspidella
Cyclomedusa sp. Sprigg 1947
synonym of Aspidella
Kimberella sp. Glaessner 1959
Mawsonites sp. Glaessner and Wade 1966
Rangeomorpha - Charniidae
Charnia sp. Ford 1958
Vendiamorpha - Yorgiidae
Yorgia sp. Ivantsov 1999
Parvancorina sp. Glaessner 1958
see common names

Country:Russian Federation State/province:Arkhangelsk
Coordinates: 64.4° North, 39.6° East (view map)
Paleocoordinates:62.2° South, 21.9° East
Basis of coordinate:estimated from map
Key time interval:Ediacaran Other zone: White Sea
Age range of interval:635.00000 - 538.80000 m.y. ago
Lithology and environment
Primary lithology:wave ripples,flute casts lithified sandstone
Secondary lithology:hummocky CS,wave ripples,flute casts lithified "shale"
Includes fossils?Y
Includes fossils?Y
Lithology description: This assemblage comprises greenish-gray, fine-grained, thin-bedded, crossbedded, and planar-laminated sandstones. The sandstones are channel fills that appear in lenses and laterally discontinuous packages (0.3–1.8 m thick and up to 10 m wide) with convex downward bases and nearly flat upper surfaces. These lenses occur on surfaces that are characterized by numerous sand-filled scour casts. Cross-bedded sandstone units tend to consist of multistoried cross-laminations. Individual sandstone beds (0.1–0.4 m) are another element of stratification. They record strong current influence and exhibit a variety of sole marks, including load casts, chevron, drag, and flute marks, current crescents, and gutter casts. This assemblage comprises packages (1.0–1.5 m) of gray and yellowishgray, fine-grained, thin-bedded sandstone units (0.1–0.5 m) interbedded with intervals (0.3–0.5 m up to 2 m thick) of graded siltstoneshale couplets and abundant gutter casts. The sandstone beds have sharp bases, fine upwards, and have rippled tops. Thinner beds tend to consist of fine horizontal laminations. Some of them contain gently curved laminasets which probably represent hummocky stratification. However, thicker units exhibit fining-upward textures, convoluted laminations, amalgamation surfaces, ball-and-pillow structure, isolated shale clasts, and wave ripple laminations.
Modes of preservation:mold/impression
Collection methods and comments
Reason for describing collection:general faunal/floral analysis
Database number:91644
Authorizer:M. Laflamme Enterer:M. Laflamme
Modifier:M. Laflamme Research group:marine invertebrate
Collections that are a subset of this one:191887, 191889, 191890
Created:2009-10-10 11:04:54 Last modified:2009-10-10 13:06:49
Access level:the public Released:2009-10-10 11:04:54
Creative Commons license:CC BY
Reference information

Primary reference:

30889. D. Grazhdankin. 2004. Patterns of distribution in the Ediacaran biotas: facies versus biogeography and evolution. Paleobiology 30(2):203-221 [M. Laflamme/M. Laflamme]

Secondary references:

30558 M. A. Fedonkin, J. G. Gehling, K. Grey, G. M. Narbonne, and P. Vickers-Rich. 2007. The rise of animals: Evolution and diversification of the Kingdom Animalia. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD 1-326 [M. Laflamme/M. Laflamme/M. Laflamme]