Classification of Cope 1870

Cl. Reptilia Laurenti 1768 [reptile]
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Or. Archosauria Cope 1869 [archosaur]
Subor. Dinosauria Owen 1842 [dinosaur]
G. †Mosasaurus Parkinson 1822
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Mosasaurus depressus Cope 1869
Mosasaurus fulciatus Cope 1870
Mosasaurus maximus Cope 1869
Mosasaurus oarthrus Cope 1870
G. †Palaeophis Owen 1841
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Palaeophis grandis Marsh 1869
Palaeophis halidanus Cope 1868
Palaeophis littoralis Cope 1847
Subor. Pleurodira Cope 1865 [sideneck turtle]
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Invalid names: Sternothaeridae Cope 1868 [empty]
G. Trionyx Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1809
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Trionyx buiei Cope 1870
Trionyx halophilus Cope 1869
Trionyx lima Cope 1869
Trionyx pennatus Cope 1869
Fm. Cheloniidae Bonaparte 1832
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G. †Puppigerus Cope 1870
Puppigerus breviceps Owen 1841
Puppigerus convexus Owen 1841
Puppigerus grandaevus Leidy 1861
Puppigerus longiceps Owen 1841
G. Emys Dumeril 1806 [pond turtle]
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Emys petrosus Cope 1868
Emys turgidus Cope 1870
Emys wyomingensis Leidy 1870
G. †Liodon Owen 1842
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Liodon congrops Cope 1870
Liodon proriger Cope 1869
Liodon validus Cope 1868
Or. †Pterosauria Kaup 1834 [pterosaur]
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G. †Rhabdopelix Cope 1870
G. †Megalosaurus Parkinson 1822
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Megalosaurus bucklandii Mantell 1827
G. †Iguanodon Mantell 1825
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Iguanodon anglicus Holl 1829
G. †Hadrosaurus Leidy 1858
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Hadrosaurus minor Marsh 1870
Hadrosaurus tripos Cope 1869
G. †Scelidosaurus Owen 1859
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G. †Hylaeosaurus Mantell 1833
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Hylaeosaurus armatus Mantell 1833
G. †Dicynodon Owen 1845
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Dicynodon rosmarus Cope 1870
Or. Dinosauria Owen 1842 [dinosaur]
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G. †Clepsysaurus Lea 1851
G. †Hypsibema Cope 1869
Hypsibema crassicauda Cope 1869
G. †Megadactylus Hitchcock 1865
Megadactylus polyzelus Hitchcock 1865
Subor. †Orthopoda Cope 1866
G. †Astrodon Johnston 1859
Fm. †Hadrosauridae Cope 1869 [hadrosaurid]
Fm. †Iguanodontidae Bonaparte 1850 [iguanodontid]
Invalid names: Scelidosauridae Cope 1869 [empty]
G. †Polyacanthus Fox 1866
Subor. †Symphypoda Cope 1867
G. †Compsognathus Wagner 1861 [elegant jaw]
Compsognathus gracilis Wagner 1861
G. †Ornithotarsus Cope 1869
Ornithotarsus immanis Cope 1869
G. †Teratosaurus Meyer 1861
Teratosaurus suevicus Meyer 1861
G. †Laelaps Cope 1866
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Laelaps aquilunguis Cope 1866
Laelaps macropus Cope 1868
Subfm. Emydinae Rafinesque 1815
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G. †Adocus Cope 1868
Adocus agilis Cope 1868
Adocus beatus Leidy 1865
Adocus pravus Leidy 1856
G. †Cistudo Dumeril and Bibron 1835
Cistudo eurypygia Cope 1870
Fm. Podocnemididae Cope 1868
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G. †Taphrosphys Cope 1869
Taphrosphys leslianus Cope 1870
Taphrosphys molops Cope 1870
Taphrosphys nodosus Cope 1870
Taphrosphys strenuus Cope 1870
G. †Baptosaurus Marsh 1870
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Baptosaurus fraternus Marsh 1869
G. †Bottosaurus Agassiz 1849
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G. †Poecilopleurum Eudes-Deslongchamps 1837
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Poecilopleurum bucklandii Eudes-Deslongchamps 1837
G. †Holops Cope 1869
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Holops basitruncatus Owen 1849
G. Chelone Linnaeus 1758
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Chelone parvitecta Cope 1870
Subor. †Goniopoda Cope 1866
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G. †Aublysodon Leidy 1868
Aublysodon horridus Leidy 1856
Invalid names: Dinodon Leidy 1856 [synonym]
G. †Bathygnathus Leidy 1853
Bathygnathus borealis Leidy 1853
G. †Coelosaurus Leidy 1865
Coelosaurus antiquus Leidy 1865
G. †Diplotomodon Leidy 1868
G. †Troodon Leidy 1856
Troodon formosus Leidy 1856
Or. Testudinata Oppel 1811 [turtle]
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G. †Lembonax Cope 1870
Lembonax polemicus Cope 1870
G. †Pleurosternum Owen 1853
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Or. †Pythonomorpha Cope 1869
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Fm. †Mosasauridae Gervais 1852 [mosasaur]
G. †Platecarpus Cope 1869
Fm. †Clidastidae Cope 1869
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G. †Clidastes Cope 1868
Clidastes iguanavus Cope 1868
Clidastes propython Cope 1869
Subfm. †Chelydrinae Lydekker 1889
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G. †Catapleura Cope 1870
Catapleura repanda Cope 1868
G. †Euclastes Cope 1870
Euclastes platyops Cope 1870
G. †Lytoloma Cope 1870
Lytoloma angusta Cope 1870
G. †Osteopygis Cope 1868
Osteopygis emarginata Cope 1868
Osteopygis platylomus Cope 1870
G. †Peritresius Cope 1870
Peritresius ornatus Leidy 1856
G. †Propleura Cope 1870
Propleura sopita Leidy 1865
G. †Poicilopleurum Eudes-Deslongchamps 1837
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