Classification of Estes 1976

Fm. †Batrachosauroididae Auffenberg 1958
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G. †Opisthotriton Auffenberg 1961
Opisthotriton kayi Auffenberg 1961
Fm. †Scapherpetonidae Auffenberg and Goin 1959
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G. †Lisserpeton Estes 1965
Lisserpeton bairdi Estes 1965
G. †Scapherpeton Cope 1876
Scapherpeton tectum Cope 1876
Fm. Sirenidae Gray 1825 [siren]
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G. †Habrosaurus Gilmore 1928
Habrosaurus dilatus Gilmore 1928
Fm. Discoglossidae Günther 1859 [painted frog]
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G. †Scotiophryne Estes 1969
Fm. †Baenidae Cope 1882
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G. †Compsemys Leidy 1856
Compsemys victa Leidy 1856
G. †Palatobaena Gaffney 1972
Palatobaena bairdi Gaffney 1972
Fm. Trionychidae Gray 1825 [softshell turtle]
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G. †Plastomenus Cope 1873
Fm. †Champsosauridae Cope 1876 [champsosaur]
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G. †Champsosaurus Cope 1876
Fm. Xantusiidae Baird 1858 [night lizard]
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G. †Palaeoxantusia Hecht 1956
Palaeoxantusia fera Hecht 1956
Fm. Scincidae Gray 1825 [skink]
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G. †Contogenys Estes 1969
Contogenys sloani Estes 1969
Fm. Amphisbaenidae Gray 1865 [worm lizard]
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G. †Oligodontosaurus Gilmore 1942
Fm. Anguidae Gray 1825
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Subfm. †Anguinae Gray 1825
G. Gerrhonotus Wiegmann 1828 [alligator lizard]
G. †Pancelosaurus Meszoely 1970
Pancelosaurus piger Gilmore 1928
Fm. Xenosauridae Cope 1866
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G. †Exostinus Cope 1873
Exostinus lancensis Gilmore 1928
Invalid names: Harpagosaurus parvus Gilmore 1928 [synonym]
Or. Serpentes Linnaeus 1758 [snake]
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G. †Dunnophis Hecht 1959
Fm. Aniliidae Fitzinger 1826 [pipe snake]
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G. †Coniophis Marsh 1892
Fm. Crocodylidae Cuvier 1807 [crocodile]
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Subfm. Alligatorinae Cuvier 1807
Subfm. Crocodylinae Cuvier 1807
G. †Leidyosuchus Lambe 1907
Fm. Amiidae Huxley 1861
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G. Amia Linnaeus 1766 [bowfin]
Amia fragosa Jordan 1927
Amia uintaensis Leidy 1873
Invalid names: Protamia Leidy 1873 [synonym]
Fm. †Parasaniwidae Estes 1964
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G. †Provaranosaurus Gilmore 1942
Fm. Acipenseridae Bonaparte 1831
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G. Acipenser Linnaeus 1758 [sturgeon]
Fm. Lepisosteidae Cuvier 1825
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G. Lepisosteus Agassiz 1843
Fm. †Palaeolabridae Estes 1969
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G. †Palaeolabrus Casier 1967
Fm. Polyodontidae Bonaparte 1838 [paddlefish]
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G. †Paleopsephurus MacAlpin 1947