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Mammalia - Cetacea - Cetotheriidae

Cetotherium was named by Brandt (1843) [Sepkoski's age data: T Mi-u T Plio-l]. Its type is Cetotherium rathkii. It is the type genus of Cetotheriidae.

It was assigned to Balaenoidea by Nordmann (1860); to Cetotherinae by Brandt (1874); to Balaenopterinae by Lydekker (1887), Trouessart (1898) and Trouessart (1904); to Balaenidae by Bronn (1853), Pictet (1853), Cope (1890), Newton (1891), Lydekker (1894), Cope (1895), Hay (1902) and Case (1904); to Mysticeti by True (1912); to Balaenopterini by Winge (1921); to Balaenopteridae by Flores (1895), Abel (1919) and Zittel (1925); to Cetotheriinae by Brandt (1873) and Riabinin (1934); to Cetacea by Sepkoski (2002); to Cetotheriinae by Whitmore and Barnes (2008), Tarasenko and Lopatin (2012) and Goldin and Startsev (2017); and to Cetotheriidae by Miller (1923), Kellogg (1925), Kellogg (1928), Hay (1930), Simpson (1945), Mchedlidze (1970), Ginsburg and Janvier (1971), Ginsburg and Janvier (1975), Barnes (1977), Carroll (1988), Pilleri (1990), Gottfried et al. (1994), McKenna and Bell (1997), Kimura and Ozawa (2002), Fordyce (2003), Geisler and Sanders (2003), Bouetel (2005), Bouetel and Muizon (2006), Steeman (2007), Bisconti (2008), Uhen et al. (2008), Tarasenko and Titov (2009), Hampe and Baszio (2010), Goldin et al. (2011), Bisconti et al. (2013), Goldin et al. (2014), Bisconti (2014), Goldin and Startsev (2014), Gol'din and Steeman (2015), Marx and Fordyce (2015), Marx et al. (2016), Marx et al. (2016), Berta (2017) and Gol'din (2018).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1843Cetotherium Brandt p. 148
1853Cetotherium Bronn p. 754
1853Cetotherium Pictet p. 388
1860Cetotherium Nordmann p. 330
1873Cetotherium Brandt p. 61
1874Cetotherium Brandt p. I
1887Cetotherium Lydekker p. 42
1890Cetotherium Cope p. 611
1891Cetotherium Newton p. 63
1894Cetotherium Lydekker p. 2
1895Cetotherium Cope p. 145
1895Cetotherium Flores p. 14
1898Cetotherium Trouessart p. 1070
1902Cetotherium Hay p. 598
1904Cetotherium Case p. 35
1904Cetotherium Trouessart p. 779
1912Cetotherium True p. 3
1919Cetotherium Abel p. 753
1921Cetotherium Winge p. 7
1923Cetotherium Miller p. 40
1925Cetotherium Kellogg p. 35
1925Cetotherium Zittel p. 87
1928Cetotherium Kellogg p. 35 figs. Table 1
1930Cetotherium Hay p. 572
1934Cetotherium Riabinin p. 4
1945Cetotherium Simpson p. 104
1970Cetotherium Mchedlidze p. 97
1971Cetotherium Ginsburg and Janvier p. 181
1975Cetotherium Ginsburg and Janvier p. 89
1977Cetotherium Barnes p. 325
1988Cetotherium Carroll
1990Cetotherium Pilleri p. 58
1994Cetotherium Gottfried et al. p. 233
1997Cetotherium McKenna and Bell p. 375
2002Cetotherium Kimura and Ozawa p. 698 fig. 13
2002Cetotherium Sepkoski
2003Cetotherium Fordyce p. 165
2003Cetotherium Geisler and Sanders p. 27
2005Cetotherium Bouetel p. 139
2006Cetotherium Bouetel and Muizon p. 384
2007Cetotherium Steeman p. 880
2008Cetotherium Bisconti p. 173
2008Cetotherium Uhen et al. p. 612
2008Cetotherium Whitmore and Barnes p. 144
2009Cetotherium Tarasenko and Titov p. 90
2010Cetotherium Hampe and Baszio p. 213
2011Cetotherium Goldin et al. p. 36
2012Cetotherium Tarasenko and Lopatin p. 532
2013Cetotherium Bisconti et al. p. 121
2014Cetotherium Bisconti figs. Figure 4
2014Cetotherium Goldin and Startsev p. 419
2015Cetotherium Gol'din and Steeman p. 13 figs. Figure 10
2015Cetotherium Marx and Fordyce p. 4 figs. Figure 2
2016Cetotherium Marx et al. p. 22 figs. Figure 10
2016Cetotherium Marx et al. p. 110
2017Cetotherium Berta p. 168
2017Cetotherium Goldin and Startsev
2018Cetotherium Gol'din p. 23 figs. Fig. 14

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
subclassDipnotetrapodomorpha(Nelson 2006)
subclassAmphibiosauriaKuhn 1967

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Cetotherium Brandt 1843
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Cetotherium capellinii Brandt 1873
Cetotherium furlongi Kellogg 1925
Cetotherium parvum Trouessart 1898
Invalid names: Delphinapterus tyrannus Cope 1868 [synonym]
Cetotherium polyporum Cope 1869
Cetotherium rathkii Brandt 1843
Cetotherium riabinini Hofstein 1948
K. K. Tarasenko and A. V. Lopatin 2012Small-sized cetotheriine, with body ranging from 2.5 to 4 m long. Supraoccipital in shape of short equilateral triangle with wide base and pointed apex, with its anterior end lying at base of temporal fossa. Lambdoid crests straightened. Zygomatic processes of squamosals short, with wide base and thickened, slightly medially curved anterior end. Anterior process of petrosal elongated and rounded, formed by dorsoventrally flattened blade rounded at anterior end; its surface covered with longitudinal, slightly radially curved strips. Body of petrosal relatively small; promontory poorly developed, caudal process short and thickened; foramen for facial nerve and internal auditory foramen fused into one drop-shaped aperture. Tympanic bone box􏰀shaped, with slightly oblique pos􏰀 teromedial edge. Projection of posterior process of petrosal on lateral skull wall rounded rectangular, almost elliptical, with pointed wedge-shaped end, wedging in between squamosal and exoccipitals.
P. Goldin et al. 2014Small cetotheres (3 to 4 m long; condy- lobasal length of skull ~1 m) differing from other members of the family in having a narrow rostrum, a roughly triangular (pointing dorsally) exposure of the posterior process of the tympanoperiotic on the posterolateral wall of the skull, a triangular occipital shield with a low and transversely wide external occipital crest, and a tympanic bulla as high and wide anteriorly as it is posteriorly; Cetotherium differs from all cetotheres except Kurdalagonus in having an anteropos- teriorly short and dorsoventrally high zygomatic process of the squamosal and a transversely wide postglenoid process; differs from all cetotheres except “Cetotherium” mayeri (sensu Riabinin 1934) in having a mandible with a straight, as opposed to laterally curved, distal portion; differs from Herpetocetus and Nannocetus in having a robust, bulbous paroccipital process; differs from Herpetocetus, Metopocetus, and Nannocetus in having a ventrally open (as opposed to partially floored) facial sulcus on the posterior process of the periotic; differs from all cetotheriids except Eucetotheri- um helmersenii (Brandt, 1871), Herpetocetus, and Nannoce- tus in having the postglenoid process oriented ventrally to ventromedially in posterior view; differs from Herpetocetus, Joumocetus, Metopocetus, Nannocetus, and Piscobalaena in having the proximal portion of the premaxilla not covered by the maxilla, and ascending processes of the maxillae approximating each other posteriorly without ever making contact.
No measurements are available
Composition: hydroxyapatitesubo
Form: roller-shapedo
Ontogeny: modification of partso
Environment: marinesubo
Locomotion: actively mobileo
Life habit: aquaticsubo
Depth habitat: surfaceo
Diet: carnivoresubo
Diet 2: suspension feedersubo
Reproduction: viviparouso
Created: 2005-03-06 14:20:41
Modified: 2005-03-06 16:34:40
Source: subo = suborder, o = order
Reference: Uhen 2004

Age range: base of the Burdigalian to the top of the Early/Lower Pleistocene or 20.44000 to 0.78100 Ma

Collections (31 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Burdigalian20.44 - 15.97France C. sp. (56562)
Burdigalian20.44 - 15.97Austria C. sp. (65410)
Burdigalian20.44 - 15.97USA (California) C. furlongi (45496)
Burdigalian - Langhian20.44 - 13.82Spain C. sp. (49670 49678)
Burdigalian - Langhian20.44 - 13.82Spain (Tarragona) C. sp. (49680)
Burdigalian - Langhian20.44 - 13.82Spain (Saldonera) C. sp. (49672)
Middle Miocene15.97 - 11.608Netherlands C. sp. (192727)
Middle Miocene - Early/Lower Pleistocene15.97 - 0.781Netherlands C. sp. (189573)
Serravallian13.82 - 11.62USA (Maryland) C. sp. (70843) Delphinapterus tyrannus (55396)
Serravallian13.82 - 11.62Romania C. sp. (80361 80362)
Serravallian13.82 - 11.62Ukraine (Dnepropetrovsk) C. sp. (60263)
Badenian13.65 - 12.7Bosnia and Herzegovina C. rathkei (104804)
Sarmatian12.7 - 11.608Russian Federation C. sp. (73903)
Tortonian11.62 - 7.246USA (Maryland) C. megalophysum (70851 70852) C. parvum (55395)
Tortonian11.62 - 7.246Ukraine C. rathkei (88545) C. riabinini (52073)
Tortonian11.62 - 7.246Georgia C. sp. (73901)
Tortonian11.62 - 7.246Ukraine (Crimea) C. rathkii (85514)
Tortonian11.62 - 7.246Russian Federation C. rathkii (152907)
Zanclean5.333 - 3.6Italy C. capellinii (84944)
Zanclean5.333 - 3.6Italy (Piacenza) C. capellinii (187600)
Pliocene5.333 - 2.588USA (North Carolina) Eschrichtius polyporus (49983)
Pliocene5.333 - 2.588USA (Virginia) C. crassangulum (85158)
Zanclean - Piacenzian5.333 - 2.588Italy C. capellinii (59273)
Piacenzian3.6 - 2.588Italy C. capellinii (153708)
Calabrian1.8 - 0.774Azerbaijan C. sp. (59668)