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Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Nostoceratidae

Turrilitoides was named by Spath (1923) [Sepkoski's age data: K Albi-m K Albi-u Sepkoski's reference number: 1066].

It was assigned to Turrilitaceae by Wright et al. (1996); to Ammonoidea by Sepkoski (2002); to Turrilitinae by Szives (2007); and to Nostoceratidae by Shigeta (2014).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1923Turrilitoides Spath p. 75
1996Turrilitoides Wright et al. p. 241
2002Turrilitoides Sepkoski
2007Turrilitoides Szives p. 114
2014Turrilitoides Shigeta p. 1

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EubilateriaAx 1987
classCephalopodaCuvier 1797
suborderAncyloceratinaWiedmann 1966
superfamilyTurrilitoidea(Gill 1871)
familyNostoceratidaeHyatt 1894
genusTurrilitoidesSpath 1923

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Turrilitoides Spath 1923
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Turrilitoides hugardianus d'Orbigny 1842
Invalid names: Turrilites densicostatus Passendorfer 1930 [synonym], Turrilites intermedius Pictet and Campiche 1861 [synonym]
C. W. Wright et al. 1996More tightly coiled than Proturrilitoides, with apical angle more acute, whorl section oval or angular, and sides flatter; siphuncle at upper margin of side; aperture with strong constriction, collared on both sides.
No measurements are available
Composition: aragoniteo
Environment: marinec
Locomotion: fast-movingo
Life habit: nektonico
Diet: carnivoreo
Vision: well-developedc
Created: 2005-01-28 02:27:03
Modified: 2009-10-08 14:14:55
Source: o = order, c = class
References: Kiessling 2004, Kiessling 2003

Age range: base of the Middle Albian to the top of the Cenomanian or 109.00000 to 93.90000 Ma

Collections (21 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Albian113.0 - 100.5Switzerland Turrilites hugardianus, Turrilites intermedius (2237)
Early/Lower Albian - Late/Upper Albian112.03 - 99.6France T. sp. (58861)
Middle Albian109.0 - 105.3Madagascar (Mahajanga) Turrilites densicostatus (86503)
Late/Upper Albian105.3 - 99.6Italy T. hugardianus (12838)
Late/Upper Albian105.3 - 99.6France T. hugardianus (56554 56674 58126 58527) T. intermedius, T. sp., T. hugardianus (58359) T. sp. (56523 56669 58248 58363 58431 58533) T. sp., T. hugardianus (56680)
Late/Upper Albian105.3 - 99.6Angola T. sp. (83840)
Cenomanian100.5 - 93.9France T. sp. (57923)
Early/Lower Cenomanian99.6 - 93.5Japan T. sp. (86984)
Early/Lower Cenomanian99.6 - 93.5France T. sp. (58634)
Late/Upper Cenomanian99.6 - 93.5France T. hugardianus (58969)