Cimexomys arapahoensis Middleton and Dewar 2004 (multituberculate)

Mammalia - Multituberculata

Full reference: M. D. Middleton and E. W. Dewar. 2004. New mammals from the early Paleocene Littleton fauna (Denver Formation, Colorado). New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 26:59-80

Belongs to Cimexomys according to M. D. Middleton and E. W. Dewar 2004

Sister taxa: Cimexomys antiquus, Cimexomys gregoryi, Cimexomys hausoi, Cimexomys judithae, Cimexomys minor

Type specimen: UCM 34976, a mandible. Its type locality is Alexander, which is in a Puercan terrestrial shale/sandstone in the Denver Formation of Colorado.

Ecology: arboreal herbivore

Distribution: found only at Alexander

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