Trionyx robustus Gilmore 1919 (softshell turtle)

Reptilia - Testudines - Trionychidae

Alternative combinations: Aspideretoides robustus, Plastomenus robustus

Synonym: Aspideretes ovatus Gilmore 1935

Full reference: C. W. Gilmore. 1919. Reptilian faunas of the Torrejon, Puerco, and underlying Upper Cretaceous formations of San Juan County, New Mexico. United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 119:1-68

Belongs to Trionyx according to N. S. Vitek and W. G. Joyce 2015

See also Gilmore 1919, Gilmore 1935, Hay 1930 and Sullivan et al. 2012

Sister taxa: Trionyx admirabilis, Trionyx aequa, Trionyx allani, Trionyx austerus, Trionyx baynshirensis, Trionyx beecheri, Trionyx boulengeri, Trionyx capellinii, Trionyx dissolutus, Trionyx ellipticus, Trionyx eloisae, Trionyx foveatus, Trionyx gangeticus, Trionyx gilbentuensis, Trionyx gobiensis, Trionyx gregarius, Trionyx henrici, Trionyx ikoviensis, Trionyx jixiensis, Trionyx johnsoni, Trionyx kansaiensis, Trionyx latus, Trionyx leucopotamicus, Trionyx linchuensis, Trionyx miensis, Trionyx minusculus, Trionyx miocaenus, Trionyx mira, Trionyx ninae, Trionyx nopcsai, Trionyx onomatoplokos, Trionyx phayrei, Trionyx pliocenicus, Trionyx reesidei, Trionyx riabinini, Trionyx shiluutulensis, Trionyx silvestris, Trionyx singularis, Trionyx triunguis, Trionyx uintaensis, Trionyx vindobonensis

Type specimens:

  • Trionyx robustus: USNM 8538, a partial shell. Its type locality is Kimbetoh West [USNM], which is in a Campanian terrestrial horizon in the Kirtland Formation of New Mexico.
  • Aspideretes ovatus: USNM 12986, a partial shell (carapace lacking a portion of the anterior border and fragmentary parts of the plastron). Its type locality is 7 Miles Northwest of Brimhall's Store, which is in a Campanian terrestrial horizon in the Kirtland Formation of New Mexico.

Ecology: aquatic piscivore-carnivore


• Cretaceous of United States (21: New Mexico collections)

Total: 21 collections including 24 occurrences

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