Lepas sattmanni Harzhauser and Schloegl 2012 (barnacle)

Thecostraca - Scalpellomorpha - Lepadidae

Full reference: M. Harzhauser and J. Schloegl. 2012. Lepadiform and scalpelliform barnacles from the Oligocene and Miocene of the Paratethys Sea. Palaeontology 55(5):923-936

Belongs to Lepas according to M. Harzhauser and J. Schloegl 2012

Sister taxa: Lepas (Anatifa), Lepas (Lepas), Lepas anatifera

Type specimen: NHMW 2003z0026 ⁄ 0487, an other. Its type locality is Pucking, which is in an Aquitanian offshore claystone in the Ebelsberg Formation of Austria.

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder

Distribution: found only at Pucking

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