Ocepechelon bouyai Bardet et al. 2013 (sea turtle)

Reptilia - Testudines - Dermochelyoidae

Full reference: N. Bardet, N.-E. Jalil, F. Lapparent Broin, D. Germain, O. Lambert and M. Amaghzaz. 2013. A giant chelonioid turtle from the Late Cretaceous of Morocco with a suction feeding apparatus unique among tetrapods. PLoS One 8(7):e63586

Belongs to Ocepechelon according to N. Bardet et al. 2013

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: OCP DEK/GE 516, a skull (Complete skull). Its type locality is Trench 2, Sidi Chennane, which is in a Maastrichtian marine phosphorite in the Couche III Formation of Morocco.

Ecology: aquatic omnivore

Distribution: found only at Trench 2, Sidi Chennane

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