Juresania kolymaensis Zavodowsky 1968 (lamp shell)

Strophomenata - Productida - Echinoconchidae

Full reference: V. M. Zavodowsky. 1968. Echinoconchidae, Linoproductidae, Productidae. Novye Vidy Drevnikh Rasteniy i Bespozvonochnykh SSSR 2:92-97

Belongs to Juresania according to V. M. Zavodowsky 1968

Sister taxa: Juresania dorudensis, Juresania grandispinosa, Juresania hispida, Juresania juresanensis, Juresania omanensis, Juresania ovalis, Juresania rituensis, Juresania transversa, Juresania tuotalaensis, Productus (Juresania) scalaris

Type specimen: TsGM 1-3/8234. Its type locality is Popovka River, Shirokiy Creek, tuffaceous sandstone, Kolyma Basin, which is in an Asselian marine sandstone in the Bugali Formation of the Russian Federation.

Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal suspension feeder

Distribution: found only at Popovka River, Shirokiy Creek, tuffaceous sandstone, Kolyma Basin

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