Subathunura casieri Kumar and Loyal 1987 (stingray)

Chondrichthyes - Myliobatiformes - Gymnuridae

Full reference: K. Kumar and R. S. Loyal. 1987. Eocene ichthyofauna from the Subathu Formation, Northwestern Himalaya, India. Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India 32:60-84

Belongs to Subathunura according to K. Kumar and R. S. Loyal 1987

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: VPL/L 2301, a set of teeth. Its type locality is Muddy Boots Locality, which is in a Ypresian marine limestone in the Subathu Formation of India.

Ecology: nektobenthic carnivore


• Eocene of India (3 collections)

• Paleocene to Eocene of India (1)

Total: 4 collections each including a single occurrence

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