Stoliczkaia (Faraudiella) borachoensis Young 1979 (ammonite)

Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Lyelliceratidae

Full reference: K. Young. 1979. Lower Cenomanian and Late Albian (Cretaceous) ammonites, especially Lyelliceridae, or Texas and Mexico. Texas Memorial Museum Bulletin 26:1-99

Belongs to Stoliczkaia (Faraudiella) according to K. Young 1979

Sister taxa: Neophlycticeras (Neophlycticeras) brottianum, Neophlycticeras (Neophlycticeras) fascicostatum, Neophlycticeras (Neophlycticeras) rhodanense, Neophlycticeras (Neophlycticeras) texanum, Stoliczkaia (Faraudiella) archerae, Stoliczkaia (Faraudiella) roemeri, Stoliczkaia (Faraudiella) francisocensis

Type specimen: UT14515, a shell

Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore

Distribution: there are no occurrences of Stoliczkaia (Faraudiella) borachoensis in the database

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