Malaya Kinel' locality, PIN 272 (Permian to of Russian Federation)

Also known as Malaya Kinel, Orenburg Region, Locality 50 of Tverdokhlebov et al. 2005

Where: Orenburg, Russian Federation (53.4° N, 52.8° E: paleocoordinates 29.5° N, 46.8° E)

• coordinate estimated from map

• small collection-level geographic resolution

When: Deuterosaurus biarmicus other zone, Amanakskaya Formation, Urzhumian to Urzhumian (266.9 - 259.5 Ma)

• Malaya Kinel Subassemblage of the Isheevo Assemblage; the later part of the Early Tatarian (=Urzhumian–early Severodvinian) (Golubev 2000; Benton 2012, Geology).

Environment/lithology: terrestrial; green, muddy sandstone and gray, carbonaceous claystone

• "preferred habitat of Tryphosuchus was the shallow waters of lacustro-paludal biotopes" (Gubin, 1989)

•"Near-shore deposits." (Tverdokhlebov et al., 2005)

• "Greenish-grey, clayey sandstone with abundant plant detritus in the section of grey marl. Thickness 2 m." (Tverdokhlebov et al., 2005)

Size class: macrofossils

Reposited in the PIN

• Paleontological Institute (PIN), Acad. Sci. USSR

Primary reference: Y. M. Gubin. 1989. O sistematicheskom polozhenii labirintodontov iz mestonakhozhdeniya Malaya Kinel' (Orenburgskaya oblast'). Paleontologicheskiy Zhurnal, Moscow 3:116-120 [J. Alroy/R. Whatley/M. Uhen]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 36273: authorized by John Alroy, entered by Robin Whatley on 23.01.2004, edited by Torsten Liebrecht

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

• Gubin 1989 is a redescription of specific elements from the Malaya Kinel' locality assemblage originally described by Vjuschkov (1955). Cannot locate the original reference (RLW).
 Palaeonisciformes - Platysomidae
Platysomus biarmicus2 Von Eichwald 1861
 Palaeonisciformes - Palaeoniscidae
 Therocephalia - Lycosuchidae
? Porosteognathus sp.2 Vjuschkov 1952 therapsid
 Therapsida -
Ulemosaurus minutus n. sp.1 Vjuschkov 1955 therapsid
PIN 272/4 (type), 7, tooth and squamosal
 Therapsida - Anteosauridae
Syodon sp.2 Kutorga 1838 therapsid
PIN 272/20, 21, postcanine and right parietal
 Temnospondyli - Archegosauridae
"Melosaurus kinelensis n. sp." = Tryphosuchus kinelensis, Platyoposaurus vjuschkovi n. sp.
"Melosaurus kinelensis n. sp." = Tryphosuchus kinelensis Vjuschkov 1955 tetrapod
PIN 272/52 (holotype), right half of pelvis, and referred specimens from same locality
Platyoposaurus vjuschkovi n. sp. Gubin 1989 tetrapod
PIN 272/57, right femur
 Anthracosauromorpha - Enosuchidae
Enosuchus cf. breviceps2 Konzhukova 1955 tetrapod